Melody starts PRESCHOOL!

Melody starts PRESCHOOL!


We decided to enroll Melody into preschool this fall.  Since I am a stay at home mom, the doctor recommended she either start school or do a mother's morning out to help her spend more time with other kids and develop more social skills.  So we opted for a preschool we toured in the spring and loved.  It is very small, affordable, and we loved the facilities.

First off was open house.  We were able to meet Melody's teachers and get a lot of our paperwork and general information on this day.  Melody was very skeptical and didn't venture far from us.  As crazy as it sounds, I think it was all because of her shoes!  I made her wear sandals because they are so adorable and she never wears them.  Well she complained about her shoes the entire time we were gone!  She just wanted her Keds.

The first day of school was an interesting one.  It started out getting Melody ready in her first day of school dress.

Then we took some pictures of her outside with the chalkboard sign I made her the NIGHT BEFORE!  

Then we grabbed the backpack and headed to school.  

We took a few pictures outside of her school while we waited on the doors to open.

Leaving her was really hard.  She was so upset when we sat her down.  And she screamed as we left the room.  Luckily her teacher held her for a bit to calm her down.

Brad and I went to get coffee to help keep my mind off things.  We also grabbed lunch before I headed back to pick her up.  It is only a half day school thankfully.  The teacher said Melody did really well, and she calmed down after a little while.  She was very upset to leave preschool, so that is a good sign.  She cried as I put her in the car, ha!


Day two was a bit harder because we use carline for drop off/pick up.  Melody wasn't as fond of a stranger getting her out of the car (it was another teacher at the school), but she was happier this time when I picked her up.  And the teacher text me that she calmed down fairly quickly, so that was nice to know.

I think she will do really well at school but it will just take a little bit of time to get adjusted to all of the 'strangers'.

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