Melody's First Lost Tooth

Melody's First Lost Tooth

After watching everyone around her lose their teeth, Melody finally lost her first tooth back in March!

Her bottom two permanent teeth were coming in before losing her baby teeth. And one tooth was hanging on by a thread. But she was really hoping to lose her first tooth at school so that she could get a tooth necklace. So she would not let us pull it at all.

One day at pickup, she came running to the car with her tooth necklace. Apparently at lunch, her top tooth came out while eating a chip. Honestly, it was not the tooth I expected to come falling out. But apparently she handled it well.

Then nighttime the same day came and her bottom tooth was really struggling. So I asked her if I could try pulling it. Well since she already lost one at school, she was willing to let me try. And sure enough, it came right out. She did panic over all the blood, but she didn’t feel a thing she said.

So the tooth fairy came that night bringing her money for not one, but two teeth on the same day!

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