Melody's First Day of Preschool

Melody's First Day of Preschool

Melody's First Day of Preschool.jpg

So this year is Melody’s third and final year of preschool. I remember first signing her up for preschool and crying after dropping her off for her first day. Last year was complete chaos because we had just moved, and it of course ended just as chaotically. She goes to school the morning of March 13, and we never went back except to pick up her belongings in May. This year we have high hopes on a really great year. There are some changes this year, but we are looking forward to getting back into a routine and getting Melody back to school to learn and socialize.

Instead of having a formal open house, we did a drive thru at our school where we picked up our packets of information as well as meeting our teachers.

Then on Monday, Melody started school! We took our traditional morning pictures. I was able to walk her in and get her settled. She had such a good day, and she is so excited to be back at school!

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