All tagged Cookie Icing

Teacher Gifts

So let it be known (and I am almost certain every mom agrees), May is the worst month of the year! In addition to the normal end of school year craziness, there is Melody’s birthday, our anniversary, Mother’s Day, and the list goes on. So to add to this I had to come up with end of year gifts for her two preschool teachers, her three dance teachers, and I wanted to send something to all of the teachers at her preschool (there are only 9). I didn’t go as crafty as I did for Christmas (preschool and dance), but I did make a few homemade gifts to go along with the gift cards I bought!

Cookie Icing

I made these sugar cookies a while back to test out the recipe I found. They cookies themselves turned out delicious. The website also had a icing recipe that I wanted to try. My first attempt was a failure. It was far too runny. But with time I got better. I still have some trouble getting it just the right consistency, but the good thing is you can add a little more milk or powdered sugar to help. Also keep in mind the liquid that will be added from any food coloring you use.