All tagged Mexican

Chicken Taco Jars

I have been searching for some easy lunch recipes. I stumbled across this one, and I immediately wanted to try it. It was really good the day of. My lettuce did get a bit soggy the next day. But I did really like how easy it was to make in general.

Crockpot Chicken Fajitas

Crockpot chicken fajitas are easy and yummy. Perfect for a Tuesday night fiesta. You literally just have to heat up the tortillas (if you want), and you are set for dinner! Buy some tortilla chips and premade salsa and call it a night.

Mexican Corn

So I bought a bag of Mexican corn from Costco a while back and knew I would love it, but I didn’t. It just had an awful flavor. This recipe has all the flavor I hoped for, but my only complaint was how cold it was after mixing everything in with it. I think it would be great heated up after the fact, maybe, or even eaten right away.

Burrito Bowls

These burrito bowls are fairly healthy with the use of cauliflower rice instead of regular rice. If you like the ones from Chipotle or Salsarita’s, you should like these! I found this recipe via Instagram. Luckily I couldn’t really tell the rice was cauliflower.

Queso Chicken

This is another recipe that I found from Piece of Keto Pyatt. It is really good and we definitely do not pair it in a keto way (we serve with chips, quest, and salsa). I think it would also be really good served over Mexican rice too! I might would even go crazy and add some refried beans for myself, ha.


This is an other super easy instagram recipe I found. I kind of adjusted the recipe to suit my taste a bit more, but I will list the alternative too. AND this works best with an air fryer. I am sure you could do this in the oven, but the air fryer gives it the crispiness I love!

Chicken Fajita Casserole

One evening a while back I invited my parents over for tacos. My mom had actually already started the process for this fajita casserole so she just brought it over, and I stole the recipe! It is super yummy and nice change to regular fajitas.

Breakfast Tacos

Lately we have been making breakfast tacos at least once a week. They are super easy to make, we keep all the ingredients at home, and it doesn’t require any thawing, ha! I make them multiple ways depending on what ingredients we do have. But I do have a basic “recipe” I follow and add things in. Check it out below.

Taco Casserole

A friend of mine on instagram introduced me to Joy Filled Eats. I went through their website and found SO many recipes I want to try. But one that we almost immediately tried was the taco casserole. And it was AH-MAZING! It is super easy to make, and even easier to make ahead of time and freeze. It is a definite meal we are adding to the rotation and a must for entertaining! We double this recipe for a group.

Taco Mama

So I have been meaning to write this post for quite a while. I honestly kept forgetting about it. “Reviewing” restaurants hasn’t been as much of a priority to me the last year because it is hard with a two year old to have time to take pictures of food. I am lucky to eat my food before it is half cold, ha! So back when we were living at a hotel during our kitchen renovation, we were staying right across the street from Taco Mama. It is fairly new on our side of town, and I had yet to try it. I know many people who rave about it, so I really wanted to eat there. One night we finally had dinner there.

Mini Taco Cups

I made these mini taco cups for the Super Bowl earlier this year.  I have made something similar using fillo shells.  I do feel like the ones with fillo shells are slightly better, but these may be slightly healthier, ha!  They are super easy to make and are really easy appetizers to have at any event!

Taco Pizza

I love Mexican food, and I am always trying to find new ways to make it.  Brad isn't the biggest fan of it, so I have to be creative.  Taco Pizza is very similar to taco ring, but it is different enough to offer some variety :). You can change things up with a different type of seasoned meat, and you can customize with your toppings preference!

Chicken Taco Salad

Mexican is such an easy type of food for us to quickly throw together for dinner.  We tend to eat Mexican at least once, if not twice, a week.  Ironically, Brad isn't a huge fan of Mexican food.  He definitely tolerates it more when I cook it at home vs. going out, but it is still not his favorite.  I wanted to try and and figure out a different take on Mexican, so I came up with chicken taco salad.  Nothing too fancy, but it was different enough.  It was really good, and I prefer it over beef taco salad.

Mexajita Chicken

I found this recipe on the Food Network website while looking for some different crockpot recipes.  Crockpot is an easy way to fix a lot of food without a lot of effort.  This also goes perfectly with Mexican cornbread!!

Beef Enchiladas

These beef enchiladas are fairly easy to make, and a nice variety from the usual chicken enchiladas that we make.  My biggest complaint is that I feel like there isn't enough meet for the shells.  I also bought WAY too big of shells.  I think I bought burrito shells, but I should have purchased fajita ones.  Other than that, these are really good.  I would definitely make these again.

Chicken Enchilasagna

Forgive the unpleasant picture above.  I promise there is really no pretty way to take a picture of this dish.  It was really good but really weird.  When you see it, you expect lasagna, but then you bite into it, you taste a weird Mexican combo.  Don't get me wrong, it was still tasty.  You just have to get past the appearance!

Taco Salad

Is it weird to see a recipe on a day other than Friday?!?  Well this really isn't a recipe so to speak.  The pictures speaks for what the recipe is.  But I did want to share it because it was really yummy nonetheless.  I found this "recipe" on Pinterest.  You can customize it anyway you want.  The base is lettuce, then the toppings are up to you!  I added avacado, sour cream, salsa, taco meat, cheddar cheese, and green onions.  I lined it all up nice and pretty, then I mixed it altogether to eat!  Yummy!


My FAVORITE school lunch was crispitos!  I loved to cover them in cheese, and their crispy, meaty goodness was amazing!  Even after I graduated, we had a Chevron station that still served them.  Well then my parents moved from my childhood home to another city, so I never went back to that Chevron.  (It actually turns out that Chevron switched ownership and their menu!)  Well I have had zero luck in finding these at other gas stations or even Mexican restaurants.  The other day I decided to attempt making my own.  We had some leftover taco meat and fajita shells, so why not?!?  Check out my attempt below.