Unicorn Birthday Party

Unicorn Birthday Party

Back in May, we celebrated Melody’s 7th birthday. This year she landed on having a unicorn themed birthday party. I didn’t want to just have a re-do of her Rainbow Rangers party which included unicorns. So I decided to take it to a more pastel colored vibe and super girly unicorn stuff! (Wanna look back at all the parties I have done for Melody? Scroll to the very bottom for the links!)


To plan, I took lots of pictures every time I visited Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Target, Michael’s, etc. I also made lots and lots of lists. I don’t want to forget a detail, ha. And I almost drove Brad to drinking when I pulled out the balloon arch! But it all worked out as you will see below.

Family Pictures

We used the backdrop I made last year, and we attached the balloon arch and banners I made. This is wear we all took pictures with Melody.

Balloon Arch and Backdrop

As I mentioned above, we used the backdrop with curtains from last year. We set up a balloon arch above it. Then we attached the “Happy Birthday Melody” banner near the center. Originally I was going to have the food table underneath here, but they had us in a different party room at Cheerville this year. So we decided to just leave this as a fun area to take pictures.

Food Table

Melody’s party was at 3 pm. So like last year, we kept the food simple. We literally just cake and cookies. But it all fit the theme very well.

Gift Table

The gift table was sort of thrown together as we found things we needed places for. We had the extra balloon and banner from a previous party. I also placed favors here too.

Main Table

The main table is where the kids (and parents) ate. I placed plates, napkins, forks, and popcorn at each seat. If I do a real cake vs only cupcakes again, I will likely not put the plates at the table. Instead, we will let parents fix the plates for the kids, I think. Decorations were mostly things Melody already had at home.

All the People!

We had such a HUGE turnout this year for her birthday. I was really surprised since it was the day of her dance recital and another kid in her class had a party that morning. One kid even came, and it was his ACTUAL birthday! I was so happy with the large turnout though. And the location and food worked out perfectly.

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